Students become aware of freelance jobs
ASCA Acquire Knowledge and Apply Skills to Achieve Career Goals
CCSS Evaluate a speaker's point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.
Projector to show videos on computer
Student Paths article, “Make your way into the job market with a freelance future“
1. Read Student Paths
Read the article aloud. Ask for volunteers to read a few paragraphs at a time. Pause briefly for reactions.
What is a freelance job?
A freelance job is a contract to complete a specific task. The task may take a few hours or months, such as to create a website or advertisements for a small business. Some jobs, such as driving a taxi share may not be possible for teenagers, but there are freelance jobs in pet care and tutoring available to teens.
2. Watch videos with examples of freelance jobs (25 minutes)
The class will watch 2 videos about freelance jobs. The first video is an example of the day in the life of a freelance writer. The second video offers tips for motivation and organization.
During the video, students will share their opinion of the freelance lifestyle with a thumbs up or down.
3. Share Possible Jobs in Community or Online
Before exiting class, each student will share one possible job. It may or may not be freelance, but focus on specific jobs that could be accessible to students.